Smithville School District’s commitment to preparing all students for success after graduation has been affirmed by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)'s Annual Performance Report (APR). Earning 91.3% of all possible points and Target status, the highest level possible, in Academic Achievement and Subgroup Achievement – English Language Arts, Academic Achievement and Subgroup Achievement – Mathematics, Academic Achievement Status – Social Studies, Success-Ready Students Advanced Credit, Graduation Rate, and Graduate Follow-up in 2022 highlights the outstanding efforts made and progress achieved by our students, teachers, and schools.
“Although standardized test scores are only one measure of student success, we are very pleased with the achievement of our students,” said Mrs. Denise Harwood, interim superintendent. “We will always strive for growth and to provide our students with the skills necessary to succeed in their futures.”
In addition to earning Target status, the highest level possible, on eight performance standards of the APR, Smithville School District students performed above the state average in an additional two standards.
Smithville’s strategic plan looks beyond standardized test scores and focuses on areas that aren’t measured in the APR, but are essential attributes of a Warrior: well-rounded learning, innovative thinker, compassionate advocate, resilient achiever, and confident leader.
Mrs. Harwood noted, “As always, we will continue to focus our efforts to help ensure each of our students reaches their unique and full potential both academically and personally.”
The APR represents a report card on the academic health of Missouri school districts, and our status provides a practical tool for the Board of Education, administrators, and teachers to identify strengths and needs in the district. It’s the accountability system used in Missouri to satisfy federal and state requirements. The APR is comprised of scores broken into two categories of the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP 6) Performance Standards: Performance Score: 1) Academic Achievement Status (Overall, Student Group), 2) Academic Achievement Growth (Overall, Student Group), 3) Success-Ready, 4) Graduation Rate, 5) Graduate Follow-up, Continuous Improvement Score: 1) Improvement Planning, 2) MSIP Required Documentation, 3) Success-Ready.