Emergency Action
These forms can be used by anyone to anonymously alert school counselors of friends who are contemplating suicide, who show signs of suicidal tendency, or who are making decisions that are harmful (such as cutting, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, abusive relationship, etc.). The purpose of this alert is to get help, not to get anyone in trouble. For that reason, this alert goes directly to the counselors in your building, not to building or district administration.
This notification system is not monitored 24/7. If you are submitting this form outside of school hours, you also need to call the 988 Crisis Line or Emergency Services at 911.
High School Self Harm/Suicide Alert Form
Middle School Self Harm/Suicide Alert Form
Eagle Heights Elementary Self Harm/Suicide Alert Form
Please click the link below to report a misconduct incident. Choose the link to the appropriate school.
Eagle Heights Elementary Misconduct Form