Q: When is the election?
A: Election Day is on Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Q: Where do I vote?
A: Your voter card that the County Board of Elections sends you will provide you this information. If you cannot find your card, please contact the Board of Elections - Clay County 816-415-8683; Platte County 816-858-4400. If you are not available to vote in person on April 4, 2023, you can request an absentee ballot -https://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/goVoteMissouri/howtovote#absentee.
Q: How much is the District's No Tax Rate Increase Bond Issue asking the community to vote on?
A: The community will vote to approve approximately $17.5 million to spend in total on all capital improvement projects, with no tax rate increase.
Q: What happens if the Bond Issue doesn't pass?
A: Capital improvements (transportation facility, sidewalk improvements, HVAC, security enhancements, building improvements, etc) will need to be put on hold. Projects and maintenance would be deferred, however, operating funds would have to be used for emergency repairs.
Q: How does a Bond Issue protect money spent on students and teacher & staff salaries?
A: General Obligation Bonds provide funds for capital improvement so that a district does not have to use their Operating Funds (money used for educating students and paying teachers & staff) on such improvements.
Q: What is the difference between a levy and a bond?
A: Bonds and levies provide schools with funds that must be used for specific purposes. Bonds can only be used on capital improvement projects such as buildings and equipment. Funds from levies are used on regular operating costs of a district, for example, salaries or supplies.
Q: How is the tax levy calculated on my property?
A: Taxes are calculated on the assessed value of your home and personal property, which is determined by the county assessor, not the market value (or what you paid for it). You should look at your property tax receipt to determine the actual assessed value.
Q: What is the current levy and what would it be if the Bond Issue passes or fails?
A: The tax-levy will not increase from its current rate of $4.8404 if the Bond Issue passes or fails.
Q: When will the projects be completed?
A: If passed, the projects would be completed over the next two years.
Q: What does it take to pass a bond issue?
A: A Bond Issue must have just above 57% or 4/7 in yes votes.
Q: Why doesn't the District ask for more bond money to take care of all of the maintenance projects?
A. The state of Missouri limits how much the district can ask for (15% of assessed value of the property in the district). Our needs are more than we can ask for, so we are dividing the needs over several years so we can expand buildings and perform maintenance gradually. We can’t do it all at once, so we will do a little at a time.
Q: When is the last day to register to vote?
A: The last day to register to vote is Wednesday, March 8, 2023. Click HERE for information on how to register to vote.
Q: What would the No Tax Rate Increase Bond Issue pay for?
A: If the No Tax Rate Increase Bond Issue is passed on April 4, the following projects have been identified for completion:
Build an on-site transportation and maintenance facility
Improve sidewalks on the main campus
Complete HVAC upgrades at Horizon Elementary and Smithville Middle School
Enhance security at all buildings
Convert the Middle School athletic field to synthetic turf
Remodel the High School gym for expanded seating
Q: Why were these projects selected?
A: Hundreds of Smithville residents gave their input to prioritize the ongoing maintenance and upgrade needs of our school buildings and grounds to develop a long-range facility plan. Most of our buildings were constructed between 15-30 years ago. Just like a house, they have needs as they age. Strong schools are not only essential for our students, they are the foundation of strong communities and property values. Smithville's tradition of excellence has been hard-earned over a long period of time. Investment in our schools will keep them strong and protect the quality of life that we enjoy in our community.
Q: Hasn't HVAC been on previous bond issues?
A: HVAC updates at Horizon Elementary School and Smithville Middle School have been on previous bond issues. The 2020 bond issue allowed for 5 HVAC units to be replaced at Horizon Elementary and 3 HVAC units at Smithville Middle School to be replaced. With the passage of this bond issue we would complete the HVAC project at these two schools - 19 HVAC units at Horizon and 17 HVAC units at SMS.
Q: What is the cost for each project?
A: The costs for each project are approximate and will not be finalized until bids are received. We would have approximately $17.5 million dollars to spend in total on everything. If bids come in lower, then we can do more with the money. If bids come in higher, then we can do less.
Q: What will the school district do if bids come in higher than anticipated?
A: Contractors submit bids on architectural plans that contain various options that can be added to or deleted from any project. This allows the base project to be completed, regardless of costs going up or down and for the addition of more things as funding allows.