What is One-to-One?
The term one-to-one refers to programs that provide all students in a school with their own mobile-computing device. At the start of the school year, every Smithville High School and Middle School Student will receive a Chromebook. This is part of our district’s technology plan to increase the computer-to-student ratio, allowing more opportunities for students to work with digital devices, and expand their learning beyond the four walls of our schools.
Why One-to-One?
One-to-one technology will allow us to provide rich and engaging learning opportunities for our students. We envision students using their District device to gain 21st Century, real-world skills through facilitation and differentiation of their own learning. Providing students with this opportunity will allow students to continuously prepare for college and the workforce.
Use of technology allows teachers to provide instruction that cannot be replicated without technology. For example, here are four ways that a Geography lesson could be modified and transformed with the effective use of technology:
Original Assignment: An overview of a location consisting of handwritten content supplemented with compiled cut-and-pasted magazine clippings.
Substitution: Use presentation software (like Powerpoint or Prezi) to construct a presentation providing information about a selected locale.
Augmentation: Incorporate interactive multimedia - audio, video, hyperlinks - in the presentation to give more depth and provide more engaging presentation
Modification: Create a digital travel brochure that incorporates multimedia and student created video.
Redefinition: Explore the locale with Google Earth; seek out and include interviews with people who have visited the locale.
How is this being funded?
This program is being funded through a combination of strategies. Some current expenditures will be reduced as a result of going one-to-one -- maintaining computer labs and classroom student stations become unnecessary, and textbook purchasing will dwindle over time as free, open-source content becomes available. Revenue increases from the growth in our tax base will also provide some funding for one-to-one. Using out-of-the-box strategies prevents us from seeking additional funding from taxpayers.
How and when will students receive their devices?
Devices will be handed out by each student’s seminar teacher during an orientation day planned for late August. The orientation will cover digital citizenship, proper care of the Chromebook, insurance, and the process for troubleshooting.
What support will be given to students?
Not only will the devices be used in classes as an instructional tool, much of the support for the devices will be provided via a “technology help desk” elective class. This class will provide the first layer of support for any technical issues with the Chromebooks. The help desk teacher, along with a mentor technician, will help students learn technical and customer-relationship skills. Problems beyond the scope of the class will be handled by the Smithville School District technology department.
How will students use the devices in and out of the classroom to enrich their learning?
One-to-one will allow students to differentiate their own learning. They will be able to use the Chromebook for investigation that can go beyond the classroom walls through virtual experiences and collaboration that can span the globe. There will be times when students will use the device intensely, and other times when they will be needed less. One-to-one will give that extra support in addition to their classroom teacher.
How will we ensure a safe environment?
The same protections will be in place on these student devices as any other technology devices in the district. This includes filtering, bandwidth control, and a process for district approval of apps. These measures, along with training for both students and staff in cyber-security and proper online conduct, will help students and staff have meaningful, positive experiences using the new technology.
What is a Chromebook?
A Chromebook is a laptop running Chrome OS as its operating system. The devices are designed to be used primarily while connected to the Internet, with most applications and documents living in the cloud. Click here for an introduction to the Chromebook.
Are Chromebooks safe?
Yes, Chromebooks are safe. Click here for a video explaining the safety of this device.
What are the specifications for a Chromebook device?
Please click here to view specifications.
What items will students be receiving?
The Chromebook and one charger. These items will need to be turned back in for all Seniors and 8th graders, or when a student withdraws from the District.
Will the District be collecting a mobile device insurance fee?
Yes. The enrollment fee for insurance is $15, The deductible is $25 for accidental damage claims. If device is lost or stolen, the deductible is $50.
What if a parent or guardian chooses not to purchase the mobile device insurance fee?
The student will be required to turn the device in before leaving school everyday.
What happens if my child accidentally damages the Chromebook or needs serviced?
Take the device to the Technology Student help desk located near the Library to address the issue.
Am I responsible for a defective device?
You will not be responsible for any repairs for a device that malfunctions unless it is the result of any type of misuse or damage. You will also not be charged for repairs that would be considered normal wear and tear.
What happens if the Chromebook is stolen?
Please file a police report as soon as possible, and let your school know.
How is one student’s Chromebook identified from another student's?
There will be an identification label with the student's name and username on the device. This sticker shall remain on at all times and must not be tampered with.
Will students be able to take their Chromebooks home?
Students who have paid the insurance fee are able to take their Chromebooks home.
What if a parent or guardian does not want the device coming home?
The student should make sure the device is secure in his/her locker.
What happens if my child forgets to bring his or her Chromebook to school?
There will be a very limited number of devices the students can use. The student is required to bring their device everyday.
How often does the Chromebook need to be charged?
Charge the device every night and bring it to school with a full battery, if you need to charge it throughout the day there will be a limited supply of power strips in the classrooms students can use.
Can students access the internet at home using their own internet provider?
Yes. Internet use will be filtered at home like it would be at school.
What if we do not have Internet access at home?
The student can go to any location that has free, public WiFi, such as the library.
Can students personalize or place stickers on their Chromebook?
No, there can be no personalization or stickers placed on the device, and no tampering of the ID sticker placed on the device.
What is the best way to clean the screen?
Use a microfiber cloth, like the one used to clean eyeglasses.
Where should students store their Chromebooks when they are not in class (PE, lunch, practice, etc.)?
Student should securely store their Chromebook in their locker when not it use.
Can I purchase my Chromebook when I graduate?
No, the Chromebooks will be passed down to incoming students.
Do Chromebooks support Microsoft Office products?
No, they only support Chrome Apps and Google Docs.
Can students print from a Chromebook?
There will be a printer available in the Library if students need to print.
Will students be able to download and install software on their Chromebook?
No, they only support Chrome Apps and extensions.
What if the device is not returned at the end of the school year?
If the device is not turned in at the end of the school year a personal phone call to the home will be made by building staff. After that a certified letter will be sent to the home if not returned the next working day after the call. If still not returned after five days of the letter being delivered, a police report will be filed.
Will students be able to keep Chromebooks over the summer?
Yes, if a student has paid for insurance. If insurance has not been purchased, the Chromebook will remain with the school district during the summer months.
My Chromebook is slow or drops from a video conference?
Chromebooks can run low on resources. Please review the following document to free up resources.