Title I is a federally funded education program designed to assist school districts to meet the educational needs of their students. Title I began in 1965 when Congress passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. It was reauthorized in 2001 with the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act and again in 2015 with the current Every Student Succeeds Act. Over 90% of the school systems in the United States receive some sort of Title I funds. Title I is designed to help students achieve proficiency on state academic standards. Title I:
Promotes high academic achievement for all students.
Provides parents with opportunities and resources to better understand their student’s level of reading comprehension.
Utilizes a variety of assessments to monitor the progress of each child.
Schoolwide Plan: Requirements
Maple Elementary is the only building in the Smithville School District that qualifies for Schoolwide Title I.A. A school operating a schoolwide program must develop and distribute a written parent involvement plan that:
Is developed collaboratively by parents, school personnel and other members of the community;
Remains in effect as long as the school participates in Title I.A;
Is reviewed annually with revisions or improvements made as needed;
Is developed in coordination and integration with other federal, state and local services, resources and programs;
Is based on a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school which looks at benchmark assessments, progress monitoring as well as performance in relation to the Missouri Learning Standards.
Includes a description of instructional strategies and methods to help improve student achievement, performance and engagement of all students;
Provides training, assistance and resources for parents to help them understand the Title I program and to help them become full partners in improving their child’s progress/achievement.
Encourage a partnership to strengthen the engagement between home and school;
Include strategies for communication and feedback with parents that is timely and flexible.
Maple Elementary Schoolwide Plan
Maple Elementary’s Title I program focuses on supplemental reading instruction for grades K-6 in a pull-out or resource classroom. Students qualify for the supplemental reading instruction through specified criteria. Students receive instruction in a small group setting four to five days a week for 25-30 minute sessions. The five pillars of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency) are addressed depending on student age and grade level.
The following assessments are used to determine student needs and progress:
Missouri Assessment Program (MAP)
Northwest Evaluation Association - Measures of Academic Progress (NWEA-MAP)
State mandated reading screener (K-6)
Pathways to Reading Assessments (K-2)
Reading Fluency Assessment (3-6)
Teacher Recommendation and Referral
Parent View
All Building School, Parent and Family Engagement Policy and Schoolwide Compliance Plans can be accessed online.
Parents are able to access school plans by clicking HERE and following the enclosed instructions.