Parent Appeal Process
The state of Missouri requires that students included in a gifted program meet three of the following four criteria:
General Mental Ability - Full-scale or General Ability Index (GAI) scores on an individual intelligence test at or above the 95th percentile are one criterion.
Academic Ability - Academic achievement tests in math and reading/language arts must be administered. These tests must be norm-referenced and the cut-off score must be set at the 95th percentile or higher in one content area and at least the 90th percentile in the other content area.
Creativity, Reasoning, and Problem-solving Ability - Results of valid tests or other assessments indicating outstanding ability in one or more of these areas may be considered.
Other - Documented evidence of exceptional performance in a general academic area, a fine arts area, or another area related to the design of the gifted program is important.
Although demonstrated performance in these areas is required, parents may appeal a denial of gifted services to the Superintendent and to the Board of Education.
Please contact Denise Harwood, Executive Director of Grades PK-6, for information on the appeals process.