Teachers have been working hard to get ready for conferences! If you haven't signed up for a time to meet with your child's teacher please reach out to us at Eagle Heights and we'd be happy to help you get a time scheduled.
4th, 5th, & 6th-grade parents - your students have the incredible opportunity to learn abroad! Join Mrs. Rice for an informational meeting on October 30th to learn more.
Today is the end of our first quarter and an early release!
TONIGHT! Try wrestling for the first time or get back on the mats with our returning wrestlers at the FREE open mats practice! Open mats are open to boys and girls of all ages who attend school in the Smithville School District.
Mrs. Rice is hosting the annual Great Pumpkin Contest in the Eagle Heights Library! Drop off your finished projects during parent-teacher conferences on the 26th & 27th, or no later than October 30th.
Reminder: No School Monday, October 9th. See you Tuesday!
Tomorrow: Early Release for Homecoming is at 1:15, followed by the parade at 2 and the football game at 7! GO WARRIORS!
Early Release for Homecoming is at 1:15 on Friday, October 6th. Please remember to notify the office if your student will be using transportation other than their regular transportation that day. GO WARRIORS!!
Dress up next week leading up to our big homecoming game on Friday! Go Warriors!!
The Warrior Closet is open in October, November, and December for all your winter wear needs! The Warrior Closet is free and open to all members of the Smithville School District.
Join the Smithville Softball Team for a Youth Camp on October 1st!
Sign up to join the High School Cheerleaders and Dazzlers on October 12th & 13th for a camp and performance!
Tomorrow is the Watch D.O.G.S kickoff event, hosted at Maple Elementary! If you cannot attend the meeting and want to sign up, follow this link to register. https://www.smithvilleschooldistrict.net/o/ehe/page/watchdogs
Permission forms are going home with your student today for the dental screenings on September 28th. Please review this information and send the permission forms back to school with your students if you'd like them to participate.
Frozen Friday is back! Each Friday your student can enjoy a frozen treat during their lunch time. (Students must have cash for ice cream, it can not be deducted from their lunch account.)
Permission forms will be going home with students tomorrow for our dental screening that is being held on September 28th. Please fill out the form and return it to Eagle Heights before the 28th if you'd like your student to participate.
Wear your favorite dot-themed outfits to celebrate International Dot Day tomorrow!
Reminder: TOMORROW is Fall Picture Day at Eagle Heights Elementary!
Tuesday, September 19th, at 6:00 p.m. we are having our Watch D.O.G.S. kickoff event! All parents and students will meet at Maple Elementary, where pizza and drinks will be provided. If you are unable to attend but would like to sign up go to https://www.smithvilleschooldistrict.net/o/ehe/page/watchdogs
Reminder: There is no school on Monday, September 4th, to celebrate Labor Day!