EPI School Supply order forms are here! Forms will be sent home with your students today, or you can scan this QR code to get signed up.
9 months ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
EPI school form, images of school supplies,QR code
9 months ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
Field Day text, images of sports equipment, signup links for volunteers
A note from Mrs. Rice -
9 months ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
Image of book waving, text about library turn in
Swimsuits, shoes, shorts, and anything else your student may need to enjoy their time off, it's all at the Warrior Closet in May!
10 months ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
Warrior closet text, images of shorts with designs, swimsuits flip flops, on pink and purple background
Please join us in congratulating Mrs. Steffen (2nd Grade) on being selected as the Smithville School District Teacher of the Year! We are beyond proud to have Mrs. Steffen as a teacher, co-worker, and friend, here at Eagle Heights.
10 months ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
Image of two people standing, table in background, painting on wall in green and black in background.
The Annual Summer Book Swap is back! Send up to 5 gently used books and get 5 new ones sent home for summer.
10 months ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
Summer book swap text, images of books
No School Friday, April 19th.
10 months ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
No School text, blue background
Third-Sixth Grade Families, We're looking for donations to contribute to our MVP Lounge! Teachers will be giving out special tribe tickets to give to students to use for the MVP Lounge incentive. Students can earn 2 blue tickets for each testing session. One for following good test-taking skills while testing and one for following expectations after testing while waiting for others to finish. At the end of their MAP Testing, students will be able to cash in their special tribe tickets for unique experiences, the highest level being the MVP Lounge." https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050D4CADAE29ABF58-48866718-mapmvp#/
10 months ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
MVP lounge text, images of lightbulb, person sitting at desk with computers on dark blue background
It's Book Fair Time! Check out the flyer for details on when you can join your student to shop!
10 months ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
Book fair flyer, image of books an characters, qr code, times listed
Enjoy your week off of school! We'll see you back on Monday, April 1st.
11 months ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
Spring break text, images of pineapple and watermellon, ocean background.
Reminder-Early release tomorrow is at 1:15 p.m.
11 months ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
image of chalk board-early release text
Save the Date! Shine Night is Thursday, April 11th, at Eagle Heights Elementary. Visit our Encore classrooms and see what your students have been learning and doing this year. *To maximize time in each room we've introduced suggested entry times based on student's last names*
11 months ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
Shine night text on neon background. Image of calendar
Spring Pictures are on Tuesday, March 12th. All students will get pictures taken and proofs will be sent home with them to determine if you'd like to purchase them. Please do not send money with your student on the day of the pictures.
11 months ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
Image of blue sky, tulip field, camera, text spring pictures
The Warrior Closet is continuing to provide clothing and school supplies to all Smithville School District students! See the new flyer for updated times and dates in March and April.
11 months ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
Spring text, images of flowers and clothes on line, warrior closet text
Join us during Read Across America Week for a read-aloud from some familiar faces around Eagle Heights!
11 months ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
Read across aamerica read aloud flyer, smiling faces images, QR codes
The Warrior Closet is continuing to provide clothing and school supplies to all Smithville School District students! See the new flyer for updated times and dates in March and April.
11 months ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
Spring text, images of flowers and clothes on line, yellowbackground. warrior closet text
Order your 2023-2024 Yearbook now! Order forms will go home with your students today. Please return cash (exact amount only, we can not make change) in the envelope to school, or follow this link to order online. https://smithville.revtrak.net/eagle-heights/#/v/ehe-yearbook-item
about 1 year ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
yellow and orange square background, text, images of books. link to website
Reminder - Class pictures are tomorrow!
about 1 year ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
Polaroid of class, picture day text
Miles of Smiles is a full-service dental program that provides FREE comprehensive dental care to children in the Northland. This program will be going on at Eagle Heights from February 14th to February 29th. If your annual family income is below $60,000.00 for a family of four, you will qualify for Miles of Smiles with no co-pays and no deductibles to meet. Visit https://levelupkidsinc.org/patientinfo to sign your child up!
about 1 year ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
Miles of smiles flyer, image of child at dentist.
Class Pictures have been rescheduled for Thursday, February 1st.
about 1 year ago, Eagle Heights Elementary School
Image of polaroid camera, text about class pictures