These forms can be used by anyone to alert school administrators of student and staff misconduct.
If you have been the target of improper behavior or have witnessed improper behavior directed toward a Smithville student, please answer the following questions:
Was the behavior carried out on purpose?
Was the behavior intended to cause harm? (Harm may be physical, verbal, relational, social, emotional, and/or via electronic communication)
Have there been repeated and/or widespread acts of this behavior?
If you answered “yes” to all three questions, please use this form to report the incident to ensure that the appropriate administrator is alerted.
If you answered “no” to any of the questions, please use this form to report the incident to ensure that the appropriate administrator is alerted.
Complaints against building principals should be submitted to the Superintendent. Complaints against the Superintendent should be submitted to the Board of Education. All reports will be investigated and disciplinary action will be taken as warranted.
Students have the right to complete this form anonymously. However, it will be easier for the district to investigate this matter if as much information as possible is provided. Submission of a good faith complaint or report of improper behavior, bullying, or harassment will not affect the person reporting the behavior or the reporter’s future employment, grades, learning, or working environment. A reporter that knowingly falsely accuses someone will be subject to disciplinary action.