SHS Band Wind Ensemble receives "Exemplary" rating at MSHSAA State Band Festival. This is the highest rating possible. Congrats!
almost 2 years ago, Kim Nitsche
SHS Band
Congratulations Noah Hazen on being selected Athlete of the Week!
almost 2 years ago, Kim Nitsche
JV Baseball on as scheduled. C Baseball Postponed
almost 2 years ago, Kim Nitsche
Varsity Baseball - Today 3/23/23 Double Header @ Macken Park 4:00PM vs. NKC 6:00PM vs. Oak Park
almost 2 years ago, Kim Nitsche
Baseball Updates! 3/23/23 JV Baseball - Cancelled C Baseball - Moved to 3/24 6:00PM @ Pleasant Hill 3/24/23 C Baseball vs. Liberty North @ SHS - Cancelled C Baseball playing @ Pleasant Hill 6:00PM
almost 2 years ago, Kim Nitsche
SHS Baseball changes for today 3/22. Varsity Baseball moved to 3/23 6:00PM @ Macken Park C Gold Baseball time changed for playing at 6:00PM @ Macken Park
almost 2 years ago, Kim Nitsche
3/21/2023 Varsity Baseball for today @ Creekside - CANCELLED
almost 2 years ago, Kim Nitsche
3/21/2023 JV Baseball @ Smithville vs. Raytown South CANCELLED
almost 2 years ago, Kim Nitsche
SHS Girls/Boys Wrestling All-Conference Awards & Academic All-State Awards Congratulations Warriors!
about 2 years ago, Kim Nitsche
A SENSIBLE PLAN DEVELOPED BY OUR CITIZENS Hundreds of Smithville residents gave their input to prioritize the ongoing maintenance and upgrade needs of our school buildings to develop a long-range facility plan. A step in implementing this plan is a $17.5 million bond. The proposal is a no-tax rate increase bond
about 2 years ago, Kim Nitsche
District Basketball @ Platte County March 3rd-Boys vs. Kearney @ 7:00PM March 4th-Girls vs. Lincoln Prep @ 1:00PM Digital Tickets Only @MSHSAA.ORG Live Stream @MSHSAA.TV Parking & Navigation to the NEW PC Fieldhouse attached.
about 2 years ago, Kim Nitsche
District Basketball
Campus/Parking Map
Indoor Navigation
It is National Athletic Trainer Month!!! Please help us celebrate Gini Fite, Brett McQueen, Kelly Robb and Aaron Peterson! Gini and her team go above and beyond for our students every day! Thank you AT's!
about 2 years ago, Kim Nitsche
Thursday 3/2/23 Girls Basketball District Tournament 6:00PM @ Home vs. Kearney Digital Tickets Only - 6 y/o and up, no passes Live Stream
about 2 years ago, Kim Nitsche
Digital Tickets
Wednesday 3/1/2023 Boys District Basketball vs. Lincoln Prep 6:00PM @ Smithville Digital Tickets ONLY @ (ages 6y/o and up, no passes) Live Stream @
about 2 years ago, Kim Nitsche
Digital Tickets-Boys
We are hiring! Check it out! Go Warriors!
about 2 years ago, Kim Nitsche
We are HIRING!
The HS Archers have been amazing this season. They shot 2 tournaments this weekend which included The Pirate Showdown @ PCMS on Saturday & then at the 2nd Annual Border Wars which they competed against 775 total archers from 9 states. The Pirate Showdown @ PCMS. The team took 2nd in HS teams HS Boys Wesley Duncan 3rd with 283 Mason Throm 8th with 276 Aldyn Mathis 9th with 274 HS Girls Trinity Holland 2nd with 284 & a new PR Sonja Schurmann 5th with 278 Lilah Keller 8th with 270 Madison Breshears 10th 269 Border Wars @ JCCC. There was 775 archers from 9 states with 316 of them being HS archers 177 HGS Boys & 139 HS Girls. The team took 10th out of 14 HS teams HS Boys Division Wesley Duncan 6th with 290 Mason Throm 36th with 280 HS Girls Division Morgan LeGrande 16th with 280 Trinity Holland 21st with 277 Sonja Schurmann 29th with 275 We have our last season tournaments this weekend with 3D @ PCMS & Bullseye @ NCES. We currently have We currently have 19 of our 25 archers that will be competing in the 3D division at state & 18 of them will also be competing in the Bullseye division The state tournament is March 15-18th at the Branson convention center where there will be upwards of 4,000 archers from across the state.
about 2 years ago, Kim Nitsche
SHS Archery
The Smithville Warrior volleyball program has completed its first 5 matchups with varsity posting a 2-3 record and junior varsity sitting at 3-2 in our early season. Our next match is Thursday versus North Kansas City (away) JV start time 5:30 followed by varsity.
over 2 years ago, Dave Tyner
C-Team Volleyball played an away match last night against the Staley Falcons. The girls fought well and hard against Staley but were defeated in two sets. Staley was the first match that 1/4 of our foreign exchange students, Lucia, got to play in and she rocked it!
over 2 years ago, Abbey Imhoff
Welcome to our new website! Smithville School District has transitioned to a new website platform with Apptegy. We are excited to have up-to-date and easy to access information! Coming soon is a Smithville School District app located in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Stay tuned for more information.
over 2 years ago, Smithville School District
Welcome to our new website